Morrisville Presbyterian Church takes seriously God’s call to serve our community and love our neighbor. Through our website you will find helpful information about our mission partners, as well as how you can participate in working toward God’s justice and peace. We hope you will click on the links provided to volunteer in the many ministries of this church and organizations in our region. We believe that these opportunities of compassionate action deepen our faith, provide fuller meaning in our lives, and bring us closer to one another.
Likewise, we give generously of our financial resources to mission partners, because we feel called to seek the welfare of where we live whether it be in Morrisville, Lower Bucks County, the greater Trenton area, or beyond. Through our congregational giving we support non-profits who build affordable housing, feed the hungry, and educate through sustainable farming just to name a few. We even engage in mutual aid initiatives that give directly to individuals in need through discretionary funding. Through all these actions we are conscious of God’s grace and constant call to work with others for justice, freedom, and peace. We hope you will join us by reading the information below, signing up to volunteer, or reaching out to our pastoral staff for other opportunities.
If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities, please contact Alex Lester-Abdalla at
The Food Center at Morrisville Presbyterian Church
The Food Center at MPC provides supplemental food assistance to food-insecure families in Lower Bucks County, PA and the greater Trenton, NJ area. Volunteers are needed for produce preparation, packing set up, bag packing, and distribution. To learn more about this outreach and to volunteer visit their website.
Ivins Outreach Center (IOC)
The Ivins Outreach Center’s mission is to mobilize aid to youth, families and older adults in crisis. It has provided help, over 10,000 times since 2003, to people who live in Morrisville, Lower Makefield Township, Yardley, Falls Township, and Langhorne, PA. Additional information about IOC and a host of volunteer opportunities can be found at its website.
Snipes Farm and Education Center (SFEC)
There is a lot going on at the SFEC and it involves MPC! MPC members have participated in the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program for summers. Seventy percent of the farm’s produce is given away to those in need. For years, MPC has sponsored summer camps for under-privileged youth at the farm. Many additional activities have occurred. Please visit their website to learn more or contact Pastor Alex at or Ray Hendrickson at 215-495-3114 or Let’s all take a MPC trip to the farm with a child or friend!
Habitat for Humanity
People in Bucks County (e.g. MPC members) and all over the world partner with Habitat for Humanity to build or improve a place they can call home. You may wish to volunteer at a worksite or one of their Restore locations. You may contact Ray Hendrickson at 215 495-3114 or at Make it a fun day, grab a friend, and “Habitat” for a day! You may also go to their website to volunteer.
Advocates for Homeless & Those in Need (AHTN)
AHTN is a Bucks County interfaith nonprofit that serves the homeless and those in need through it various missions.
Code Blue - transport or assist in serving meals to the homeless at a winter shelter/church
Wheels to Meals – transport homeless and those in need to free shared meals
Those in Need – transport those in need to doctors and mental health appointments, food pantries, thrift stores
For more information on how to volunteer, please see the AHTN website.
Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK)
TASK is so much more than a soup kitchen! They:
Serve nutritious meals, free of charge, no questions asked to anyone who comes seeking nourishment.
Provide education, job training and workforce development that empowers people to pursue their hopes and dreams.
Provide case management, access to community resources and assistance to help neighbors in need.
Join volunteers from MPC as they go to TASK to serve a meal to any that show up for a warm meal or assist with one of their many programs. Learn more about how you can help at TASK.