Food Center/Board of Deacons
Backpack Drive
At the end of the summer, our MPC Food Center receives many requests for backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming school year. The Deacons would like your help in assisting our Food Center Clients who have school-aged children by providing them with a backpack filled with age-appropriate school supplies. Our Congregation's generosity with school supplies for our Back to School Drive last year was amazing, and we hope everyone will get involved again this year!
To participate, simply purchase and fill a backpack for either a girl or boy with the age-appropriate school supplies listed below. Try to consider the age of the student when purchasing the backpack. Please return the filled backpack(s) to the MPC Church parking lot any Monday night (beginning July 20) at 7pm or any Tuesday morning (beginning July 21) from 9-10:30am. The final drop-off day will be Tuesday morning, August 18.
If you would rather donate money to the Backpack Drive, please send a check made out to Morrisville Presbyterian Church with "Backpack Drive" on the memo line. Any amount makes a difference!
Thank you in advance for your generosity and for enabling children in our community to return to school with the tools they need to succeed!
Girls/Boys Grade K-4 (Elementary School)
Colored pencils
Colored 2-pocket folders
Washable markers
Construction paper (packets)
Pencils (#2)
Pencil Box
Scissors (blunt-tipped)
Pencil sharpeners
Glue sticks
Hand Sanitizer (Important to include, if possible)
Girls/Boys Grade 5-12: (Middle School to High School)
Boxed tissue
Lined ruled paper
Spiral notebooks (1-3 subjects)
Colored pencils
Colored 2-pocket folders
Pencils (#2)
Pencil sharpeners
Index cards
Pens (black/blue)
Hand Sanitizer (Important to include, if possible)